Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I've missed you more than you know.

There I was, chugging along with my spiffy new blog, packed with pictures and videos and opinions and the like and then all of a sudden.... nothing. I was a blank page, no creative whimsy to keep my (3) readers inspired, no wherewithal to juggle my time correctly and keep my passion of writing alive, definitely not enough gumption to finish Script Frenzy, which my last post (done months ago) boasted was a done deal. I could blame taking on full time status at the big box retailer I call my day job, but it would just be pushing the buck around, and besides, blame is such an ugly thing. Here are some prettier things: the autumn leaves all over my apartment complex, the fact that "fall back" gave me an extra hour of sleep last week, and a new writing challenge: the return of National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo, as it's known to its good friends. Last year I came away from that little exercise a winner winner chicken dinner... did I really just write that? Okay, it's 1:30 AM and my prose isn't what it wants to be, but you get the picture. I'm baaaack.... I think. ;)