what do the birds say about me? Since actual birds kind of freak me out, am I being like a poser to bird lovers? But at the same time, I love birds in a way, the way they symbolize freedom while in flight; or can be be used as excellent literary devices for oppression when caged in, so in that respect, I think I'm totally entitled to use things with birds on them...
That probably says a lot more about my neuroses than my feelings for Aves ( a fancy scientific name for birds I just looked up for the purpose of this blog so I could sound cool and educated, which I have now successfully sabotaged by telling you my process, tisk, tisk), but I suppose that is the point of this blog after all, getting a piece of me OUT THERE.... you know, there where everyone else is. So nice to meet you, people out there. My name is jaylinbee, and I like to write stuff.